
Date Content Self-study HW
2018-03-02 Introduction and Projects Datasets Python --
2018-03-09 TSMC Real Cases & Hadoop and HDFS (by TSMC) Python HW1
2018-03-16 HDFS & Hbase (by TSMC) Python HW2
2018-03-23 Map/Reduce & Spark Programming (by TSMC) Spark HW3
2018-03-30 Data Processing and Analysis Techniques (by TSMC) Spark HW4
2018-04-06 Spring break Spark --
2018-04-13 TSMC Project MongoDB --
2018-04-20 Final Project Proposal MongoDB --
2018-04-27 Data Mining & Machine Learning Basics Keras / Tensorflow HW5
2018-05-04 Introduction to Keras (by Prof. Chih-Chieh Hung) Keras / Tensorflow HW6
2018-05-11 Neural Network Concept and Design Keras / Tensorflow HW7
2018-05-18 CNN and RNN Keras / Tensorflow HW8
2018-05-25 Auto-encoder and GAN Other useful tools and techniques --
2018-06-01 Project Midterm -- --
2018-06-08 Final Project Discussion -- --
2018-06-15 Final Project Discussion -- --
2108-06-18 Final Project Presentation -- --
2018-06-25 Final Project Presentation -- --